How Much Do Aluminium Windows Cost?

aluminium window cost romford

Aluminium windows are a popular installation in a range of homes around your local area. They can enhance the security, weatherproofing and thermal efficiency of a space.

Typically, the price of a set of high quality double glazed aluminium windows will depend on the size of the window and the style you choose. For example, a casement window with two panes of glazing will be less expensive than a sash window.

Aluminium windows and their quality come with a price tag but you are investing in your home, the safety of your family and your time thanks to their low maintenance benefits. Here are some things to consider when installing a new aluminium window in your home.


Do coloured aluminium windows cost more?

If you want to add a set of personalised aluminium windows to your home, it may cost a little more. We offer a broad array of RAL colours from the bold to the neutral, helping you get exactly the right installation for your property. We also offer a range of woodgrain foils that mimic the look of authentic timber without the durability or maintenance issues.

Start creating your dream window now by contacting our team today for a free aluminium door quote. We will work with you to ensure you get the right aluminium installation for your property.

Aluminium Windows Quotes Cheshunt

Why Choose Aluminium Windows

Aluminium windows may be a little more expensive but for a good reason! There are a range of advantages to installing aluminium windows into homes around your local area.

While aluminium is a more expensive window material than uPVC is they are less expensive in comparison to timber. Aluminium is more robust and durable in comparison to wooden profiles. If you like the look of timber, we offer woodgrain foils which mimic the look of timber but with the modern benefits of aluminium.

The framework on aluminium windows is elegant and slim, which means they can handle expansive panes of glazing. This allows you to enjoy panoramic views of your surroundings. Brighten up your home with our double glazing which means you will spend less money on artificially lighting your home.


Long Lasting and Strong

Aluminium windows may have a steeper price tag, but they are long lasting and low maintenance. This makes them a fantastic installation for modern and traditional properties alike. Whether it is ice cold or intensely hot, these windows won’t contract or lose their shape which means they will last for longer. Aluminium is a strong and stable material which, with minimal maintenance, can last between 25 and 30 years.

Aluminium windows will deliver enhanced levels of strength and security. Thanks to the inherent robustness of aluminium, your home will stay protected from unwanted intruders and adverse weather conditions.

Our aluminium windows are eco-friendly. Aluminium is a 100% recyclable material, so when you’re finally ready to get rid of your windows after their long life, they can have a new life in another or similar use.


Thermally Efficient

Aluminium was previously known for not retaining heat very well. Our aluminium windows feature reliable polyamide thermal breaks which are placed between the internal and external layers of aluminium which can help a space better retain heat.

Because your home will better retain heat, it means you will rely less on central heating to keep the space comfortable in the winter months. This could lower your annual energy bills and minimise the carbon footprint of your property.

The thermal break technology can help minimise condensation, which can affect the way a home looks and performs, as well as leading to expensive damage within the home. Condensation, damp and mould can be a costly improvement, but luckily our widows eliminate this.

double glazing romford

Aluminium Window Prices

All our aluminium windows can be supplied and fitted to suit the design requirements of most home improvement projects. We can offer homeowners a range of styles, each of which can be tailored to your existing architecture, personal preferences and existing double glazing. Find out more by calling 01992 582 351 or using our online contact form.

Getting an online aluminium windows price is easy when you choose Hertford Glass as your installer in Hertford, Epping and throughout the surrounding areas. You can build your dream window using our innovative online costing tool and get a price tailored to your preferences today.

Our aluminium windows can be combined with one of our durable aluminium doors. These designs can also be used in conservatories and orangeries. We can help you the right aluminium window for your property and your price range.


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